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Whistleblowing website Wikileaks is back

Whistleblowing website Wikileaks is back . WikiLeaks was left scrambling to keep its website alive after an American domain provider pulled the plug late Thursday forcing the whistleblowing website to create a new Swiss web address just six hours after was shutdown.

The site had been forced offline after its US-based service provider, EveryDNS, withdrew support for the site, claiming that repeated distributed denial of service attacks aimed at the Wikileaks site were affecting the web operations of other EveryDNS customers.

Shadowy government agencies around the world are probably scratching their heads this morning, as they try to come up with yet another way of silencing WikiLeaks. The site is showing remarkable resilience. Despite being under constant distributed denial of service attacks that are resulting in intermittent availability.

Wikileaks has simply moved its services to Switzerland, Sweden and France, and remains, for the most part, up and running. The whistleblowing website will hope that moving its operations to Swiss servers will make it more difficult for it to be forced offline.


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