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Ucapan selamat Puasa Ramadhan

A Glass of Care
A Plate of Luv
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Truth &
A Bowl of Duaas.

Mix with spices of QURAAN.
Enjoy This Meal.


Wishing u 1 month of ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!

Selamat Ramadan 1431H


Bile Cande Membuat Ketawe
Hati Bhgie Wajah Cerie
Maaf Dpinte Segale Dose
Smbut Gmbire Puase Yang Mulie
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan 1431H
M’f lhr n bthin


See everything with a clean heart, without expecting praise for others. May be a blessing Ramadan, hoping & praying blessings allah.Taqabalallahu Minna Waminkum ... .. Happy Ramadhan 1431H


If someone we do good,
no one no less charitable
If seen our friend charity,
never seen more friends alms
When we give without
expected return
If we do not hurt
if the person we repairing
never reciprocate
If we can discipline ourselves fasting
for the only hope of divine reward
After all that we already have
No wonder our sincere hope that the crown
will be pinned in the liver


Saat anugerah terindah itu datang.
Ingin berada didalamya dengan penuh kesyahduan doa.
Teriring pesan kecil ini, ijinkanlah maaf ini engkau terima.
Jika duri telah menoreh luka, hadapilah kami selayaknya manusia-manusia yang penuh dosa.
Semoga Ramadhan kita terasa indah dan dalam selimut Keridhaan Ilahi Rabbi.
Semoga diri kita menjadi hamba yang bersabar dihadapan-Nya.
Sambut Ramadhan dengan senyuman, karena dia pun menyampamu dengan senyuman yang terindah.
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan, Marhaban Yaa Syahrul Mubarak!

Maafkan Lahir Batin. Selamat menjalankan shaum Ramadhan 1428 H


Now ... Ramadan has come ...
This seemingly embarrassed himself fully with the sins of the outstanding ...
Now ... His holy month has stopped ...
Loss must be if not obtain forgiveness from you ikhwah ...

Is there a door from you sorry for me ..?
Still it can knock the door of forgiveness ..?
In order to calm me on the moon that always wait ...
So that we together can go and race ...
race expecting the intended blessing from Allah ...

Ramadhanku ..., Ramadhanmu ..., Ramadan that we miss ...


Within hours of us ahead of the holy Ramadan,
We sincerely ask for forgiveness will make a blunder that occurred during this
Taqobalallahu Minna Waminkum, inner and outer apologize for all my mistakes.
For those who do, I congratulate Ramadan fasting.
Good deeds we all received GOD Almighty.


let us welcome Ramadan with probity
There probably never occurred to prejudice
no words came out wrong
and there is less acceptable behavior
once again we apologize

----------------------------------------------the and

Ucapan Selamat Puasa Ramadhan


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